3.4 Improved Precision in TokenSaleDistributor::_vested()
ID: PVE-004
Severity: Low
Likelihood: Medium
Impact: Low
Target: TokenSaleDistributor
Category: Numeric Errors []
CWE subcategory: CWE-190 []
SafeMath is a widely-used Solidity math library that is designed to support safe math operations by preventing common overflow or underflow issues when working with uint256 operands. While it indeed blocks common overflow or underflow issues, the lack of float support in Solidity may introduce another subtle, but troublesome issue: precision loss. In this section, we examine one possible precision loss source that stems from the different orders when both multiplication (mul) and division (div) are involved.
In particular, we use the TokenSaleDistributor::_vested() as an example. This routine is used to calculate the amount of vested tokens at the time of calling.
We notice the calculation of the resulting amount (lines 454 − 456) involves mixed multiplication and devision. For improved precision, it is better to calculate the multiplication before the division, i.e., initialAmount + (elapsedPeriods * postCliffAmount / allocation.vestingDuration). Note that the resulting precision loss may be just a small number, but it may play a critical role when certain boundary conditions are met. And it is always the preferred choice if we can avoid the precision loss as much as possible.
Revise the above calculations to better mitigate possible precision loss.
The issue has been confirmed as part of the design.
Last updated